Here is the latest “Inside the SMC studio,” a monthly blog post highlighting our members and who they are! This month, we hear from Joe Lynch, one of the longtime movers and shakers here at Somerville Media Center. Joe has been producing his show, Greater Somerville, for over a decade and he dedicates his time to feature many of Somerville’s finest on his show. Learn more about Joe below!
1. Who are you and what do you do?
Retired banker, caregiver, neighborhood activist, wannabe television producer.
2. What was the strangest job you’ve had?
At 13, employed after school, by the old Somerville Hospital washing glass urine sample bottles. Yuk!
3. Where is your favorite place to retreat for mental or physical health?
My back garden or the mid coast of Maine.
4. Who were your early creative mentors or source for inspiration?
My Mum, my late sister Jude and JFK.
5. How do you get past creative roadblocks?
Just keep trying till I get it right.
6. How has SCATV/BFR been a positive influence in your creative career?
The support staff at SMC inspire me to be better and better.
7. What is your favorite music album?
The soundtrack from the movie Out of Africa.
8. What would be your entrance music?
The final three movements of Ode to Joy. Or as I like to call it, Ode to Joe!
9. What’s your favorite spot in Somerville to hangout or visit?
My back garden. May to September. The Independent in Union Sq.all other times.
10. In 140 characters or less, how would you pitch your show or who you are?
A show by a Somervillian, about Somerville, for Somerville.