SNN Community Lens: Somervision 2040

Somerville Neighborhood News brings you another segment of Community Lens, a short-form talk show where SMC staff spotlights non-profits, city agencies and residents in Somerville.
In this segment, learn more about the City of Somerville’s SomerVision 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Since SomerVision 2030 launched over ten years ago, SomerVision and its metrics, goals, and priorities have served as the cornerstone of City policy and planning and City efforts to make Somerville an exceptional place to live, work, play, and raise a family. The City is now calling the community together again to revisit SomerVision 2030 and build in goals for 2040.
The process will start with a SomerVision 2040 Kick-Off Meeting on Tuesday, January 15th, from 6 to 8 p.m. at The Center for Arts at the Armory at 191 Highland Ave.
More info:ย
(C) SMC 2019
