SMC’s Youth Media Program has three goals:
- We empower young producers to tell their own stories
- We offer a safe space for young people to use media tools to communicate
- We teach digital literacy to the next generation community leaders
SMC offers a number of developmentally-appropriate youth programming for youth of all ages, including targeted intensive workshops, strategic community partnerships with youth-serving agencies, teen internships, movie nights, field trips, and more. We are only limited by the imagination of the kids we serve.
Programming is provided at the lowest cost possible in order to be accessible to all of our city’s residents. Income, gender identity, sexual preference, disability is not a hurdle to participation.

Make More Media Magic at Somerville Media Center!
Find out all about the programs we have available!
School-Year Programs
Year-Round Program
Vacation Care Programs
Teachers! We can help!
Does your education program need support with media components? Want to organize a field trip, or maybe a more long term collaboration on a media production project? Please contact us. We’ve successfully developed programs with Somerville Teen Empowerment, the Elizabeth Peabody House, Prospect Hill Academy YMCA, the Mystic Learning Center, Groundwork Somerville, Enroot and the Welcome Project.