SMC Update: We’re Here for You

Somerville Media Center is here for you… just in a different way!

Although our facility is temporarily closed, our dedicated staff is working remotely to create on-line opportunities for you to continue to learn, create and share! As a community media center, our business thrives on your participation- our members, neighbors and friends! We know that maintaining that sense of community is important to all of us now more than ever, and together, we have the strength to help each other feel connected and empowered.

For our all community partners, know that we remain committed to maintaining strong relationships as we work on increasing our support for you. Together, we will emerge from these challenging times to present new ways to bring news, and to inform and educate our community.

And for a time, we will miss the sounds of the bustling youth learning media, live productions from the studios, echoing music from the BFR room; and people talking as they collaborate and enjoy each other’s friendly presence – but in a different way – we are still here for you! As we work on creating new strategies to maintain our commitment to our membership, we’d like to hear from you – please fill out this brief member check-in form to let us know where you’re at, what your media production goals are during this time, and how we can help. These responses will help guide our work and your needs in the weeks to come.

If you haven’t yet, check out our latest promotional video we posted last week –
“SMC Is Here For You”.


Wishing you and your loved ones good health!

Brian Zipp, Executive Director & Somerville Media Center Staff
