BFR Podcast Network

Boston Free Radio is a program of Somerville Media Center.  Since 2011, BFR has operated as a streaming radio station with dozens of hard working members who put together engaging, interesting, and eclectic programs for listeners.

Below are summaries of just some of the available shows

To call in to a live show: (617) 500-4679

Boston Free Radio is an independent, member-run radio station reaching out to the world through online streaming on the Internet and is a project of Somerville Media Center (SMC). BFR promotes freedom of speech and accepts programming of all types, in any language. Holding true to our commitment to freedom of speech, we give our radio DJs 100% control over their programs.
Job Title: Radio Production Intern
Supervised by: Boston Free Radio staff
Hours per week: Minimum 10 hrs/wk
Job grade level: Intern, Unpaid. Credit
Job Description Summary: Produce a one-hour radio program once a week, of any
format. Produce short documentary-style radio programs of interest to Boston, on such
topics as immigrant issues, urban youth, and local arts activities for a local music and
issues program. Assist Boston Free Radio members and staff with their radio programs.
This internship is an excellent opportunity to improve radio production skills and develop a
resume of radio projects.
Principal Responsibilities:
General Job Requirements:
​Well-organized, self-motivated, and good writing skills.
Qualification Requirements:
​Well organized, self-motivated, good writing skills, enjoys working
in a multicultural environment.
Language Skills:
Technical Skills:
​Some proficiency with Adobe Audition (audio production and editing software)
and with portable audio recorders preferred.
To apply, send a resume and letter to:
Heather McCormack, Youth Media Coordinator